Wedian Ghanoum: From Damascus to Luxembourg - Luxembourg Official

Wedian Ghanoum: From Damascus to Luxembourg

Wedian Ghanoum tells us about her journey and the life choices she has had to make, overcoming many obstacles: from the war in Syria to adapting to a new society and different cultures.

Courage & Determination

In the old beautiful days while I was living in Damascus, and during study/work period, I had some wishes to visit Europe one day, however, I‘ve never imagined that I will take one of the most difficult roads, full of risk, fear and danger, due to the severe circumstances of the painfull war in Syria. This choice was meant to be to mark my story with unforgettable memories & survival pictures.


Concentrate, stay calm, look forward, keep going, don’t lose hope and never give up, you have a goal and you must reach it… were the essential elements to arrive safely.


I feel proud, grateful and impressed by this journey, even with all tough parts; to cross the mediterranean, to overcome many obstacles of each further step with hard conditions and to become how/what/where I am now; more powerful, confident, and positive to find a new life.


“Luxembourg is the place where I feel secure, safe and happy.”


Hardwork, patience & perseverance

I think that throughout those last seven and a half years, well integration was one of my big goals. As from early 2016, I was very keen to learn French, while I was using English in my daily life. Both languages helped me meeting/getting to know people from various nationalities, creating a good network, building up a pleasant social life. Beginning of 2017, I had a great opportunity to start my first job in Luxembourg at LIH for almost a year, that enabled me to be a productive person again on the Professional level. Moving to the EIB afterwards to work as an Administrative Assistant for a year and a half, where I could improve my technical/organisational skills, was a huge step forward. Mid 2019, I’ve had the chance to be an office coordinator at Waystone, where I am currently working. During 2020, I was very excited to start learning Luxembourgish « my 3rd foreign language », happy & proud passing the « Sproochentest with high marks ». By developing the competences of all those languages, being intensively involved in the working environment, surrounded by lovely supportive friends, kind people and nice colleagues, I truly believe that I was able adapt to the new society, system & different cultures, adjust to divers types of mentalities and face challenges strongly.


Balance & Stability

Luxembourg is the place where I feel secure, safe and happy. Day after day, I am more attached to this beautiful country, getting the Luxembourgish citizenship reinforces my belonging to this civilised place. Luxembourg is keeping me warm, strong and welcomed by always opening the doors for more challenges, achievements and success. Motivated & inspired by the charm of its nature.. the castles.. Vianden.. the small pedestrian streets.. the old city with the river.. the fascinating music that embraces me at the Philharmonie.. and more …

Luxembourg became my second homeland. Grateful, pleased and proud to be here. I very much appreciate & love living in this peaceful land. « Ech fille mech sécher hei ».
