Dealsup: Luxembourg’s first Sales Acceleration company

Panos Meintanis is the Founder and CEO of  Luxembourg’s first sales acceleration company Dealsup. In the crowded and competitive start-up and scale-up ecosystem these businesses face, he describes how Dealsup can help these dynamic firms meet their challenges. Dealsup specializes in sales training and coaching to help companies reach revenue targets and meet their growth objectives.

Can you describe what Dealsup does for start-ups and scale-ups?

Start-ups and business founders are often highly skilled or have a profound understanding of the product or service on which they hope to build their businesses. However, the start-up ecosystem is crowded and highly competitive. Frequently, the founding entrepreneurs are juggling the multiple demands of their neophyte business. They have not developed the vital skill of selling and cannot build the sales teams they need to grow. Dealsup fills this niche: It is a sales acceleration company that helps startups and scaleups to develop sales strategies, deliver training and coaching in sales, and grow sales teams.

What are the typical sales issues that you solve for your clients?

A lot of the founders and early sales teams have never been in the field, or have very little experience selling, building processes and strategies. As a result, they risk failing to accelerate sales and generate revenue. For early-stage startups where the founders are the main drivers of sales, Dealsup offers support in building the necessary skills and frameworks to sign their first customers. The main objective is to shorten the time it takes these startups to validate their product market fit. This helps them raise capital and start building a team. When startups reach the early scaling stage, Dealsup helps them lay firm foundations through repeatable processes, sales methodologies, and playbooks to drive predictable revenue and growth.

“Sales drive growth, which in turn creates job opportunities, attracts talent, and brings in more investments, fostering further entrepreneurship”

How could a sales culture change Luxembourg’s economy?

Government support, incubators, and other stakeholders have been crucial in Luxembourg’s support for startups. But for Luxembourg to become “a startup nation” it requires more than funding and government programs. It is crucial to build a strong foundation for growth by developing the necessary strategies, processes, and skills. I had the privilege of working for one of Luxembourg’s most successful startups, Talkwalker, for nine years. Recently, I’ve been working with another successful startup, Salonkee. These firms not only created amazing products but also share a common trait: A strong sales culture. Sales drive growth, which in turn creates job opportunities, attracts talent, and brings in more investments, fostering further entrepreneurship.
