David Papiah (LuxProvide): A strategy that places the HPC MeluXina within every organization’s reach

Since June 2021, MeluXina, the Luxembourgish national supercomputer is operational. Managed by LuxProvide and hosted in Bissen, MeluXina aims to deliver value to the research community but also to all-size companies, public and private, in Luxembourg and the Grand Region. To that extent, a renewed offering that bridges the gap between technology and business or research needs is now available. 


Can you present your company in a few words? 

LuxProvide offers a unique platform that combines data science and supercomputing resources delivering insights for better decision-making. Our team of experts (data scientists, AI engineers, cybersecurity officers) focuses on the needs of our customers including research and business players, both large and small, in Luxembourg and the Greater Region. We believe that the key to effective innovation is a design thinking and co-creation approach involving our customers. By adding data-driven insights to their decision processes,  our customers endow themselves with a powerful and differentiating way of creating tangible value. LuxProvide is a 100% publicly owned company located in Luxembourg, a leading digital center in the heart of Europe. MeluXina, the cloud-enabled world-class supercomputer operated by LuxProvide, is a core element of Luxembourg’s data-driven innovation strategy.

“We believe that the key to effective innovation is a design thinking and co-creation approach involving our customers.”


How are your customers’ needs evolving?

We live in a data-driven economy and all our customers are now faced with the fact that data is the key to their success. Therefore, treating data manually or with some in-house hardware has reached its capacity limit. Our customers are in extreme need of powerful computing technologies, such as our supercomputer MeluXina, and data science solutions and expertise to exploit their data and allow better decision-making. Concretely, we accompany our customers in their digitalization journey, where the starting point is data, that via technologies such as AI, advanced analytics, and simulation is processed to allow more informed decisions, may that be for reviewing processes, resizing the business, or building a new offering. 

How do you see your company evolving in the next 5 years?

LuxProvide stands out to be the backbone of digitalization in Luxembourg. By that, we have the challenging goal to be at the forefront of innovation in the technology arena. We must develop the skills required to keep the value we deliver to our customers at the highest level. In the coming four years, we plan to grow our teams, by doubling from today’s 25 employees, and our portfolio of offerings to reinforce the position of Luxembourg as a leading hub for research and an attractive place for businesses to carry on their digital transformation plan. We want to be a major partner and contribute to value creation by leveraging our know-how.
